This style presents a modern, geometrically abstract artistic style. Natural elements such as birds, fish, apples, and cats are combined with geometric shapes and color blocks, creating a harmonious and decorative image. The soft colors and lighting make the picture appear warm and comfortable.
Style Analysis
Color: This style use soft warm and cool tones, such as brown, red, pink, and blue, creating contrast and harmony through the combination of geometric color blocks.
Lighting: The light is soft and even, without obvious light and dark contrast, making the image appear smooth and comfortable.
Design Technique: This style adopt a geometrically abstract design approach, simplifying natural elements into geometric shapes and color blocks, and creating a decorative visual effect through the combination of colors and shapes.
Application Scenarios
Brand Visual Design and Packaging Design: This style can be applied to the visual and packaging design of brands pursuing simplicity and artistic sense. For example, this style can be applied to the packaging design of brands such as clothing, cosmetics, or household items to enhance the artistic sense and market competitiveness of the brand.